Elsewhere, this guide assumes that the maintenance management system site is linked to one Meridian Explorer repository that is synchronized with one Meridian Enterprise vault. However, larger organizations often require more complex configuration to support linking a central maintenance management system with multiple Meridian Explorer servers and multiple Meridian Enterprise vaults.
This topic assumes that Maximo is the maintenance management system and that the documents for each Maximo site are stored in separate vaults, usually local to the site. The solution redirects requests for a specific Site ID to the corresponding Meridian Explorer server and repository.
Following is a possible configuration for a Maximo system using example site, vault, and URLs. The example supports two Meridian Explorer sites (ExplorerSiteA and ExplorerSiteB) and three repositories, two at ExplorerSiteA (RepositoryA1 and RepositoryA2) and one at ExplorerSiteB (RepositoryB). The corresponding root addresses are ExplorerSiteARootURL and ExplorerSiteBRootURL. It also assumes three Maximo sites (MaxSite1, MaxSite2 and MaxSite3). You can modify this example to configure other combinations of sites and repositories.
Note This technique is not supported with Maximo 7.
To configure the Asset Management Module to support multiple Meridian Explorer sites:
String ExplorerURL;
if (linkdoctree.getParent().getString("siteid").equals( " MaxSite1")) {
else if (linkdoctree.getParent().getString("siteid").equals( " MaxSite12")) {
else if (linkdoctree.getParent().getString("siteid").equals( " MaxSite3")) {
ExplorerURL="http://ExplorerSiteBRootURL/Home.aspx?Site=Default ";}
else {
Following is an example of linkdocs.jsp for the Maximo Location application:
<%@ include file="../../common/linkdocs/ MeridianURL.jsp" %>
<%if (! ExplorerURL.equals("")) {%>
<iframe width="100%" height="500" frameborder="1" scrolling="yes"
src='<%=ExplorerURL%>&itemnumloc=<%=linkdoctree.getParent().getString("orgid")%>_ <%=linkdoctree.getParent().getString("itemnum")%> &location=<%=linkdoctree.getParent().getString("siteid")%>_ <%=linkdoctree.getParent().getString("location")%> &attachon=location'>
A similar configuration can be used for Maximo 6.x. The maximo.properties file and control.jsp must be modified to create the proper URL to find linked documents on the right Meridian Explorer servers.